Trena Anderson

Connecting in Spirit



Dear Friend,


You have an extraordinary gift. Feel this. Know this. 

From your highest desires to those "When it rains, whoa, it really pours" moments in life, through music, art, dance, healing — however you are called to create in this world — you can express your soul's experience. 

I was called to invite you here today, and my gosh, am I ever grateful you showed up. Because is remarkable. Today is light. Today you can learn more about that strikingly unique communication system of yours. Today you can take one more step away from living half-in to living all-in — to being the maestro of your own realityBefore we get into this, though, I'm sure you'd like to learn more about me. After all, we've just met. So let's do it! Grab a cup of your favourite chai (I've got mine on hand - see photo with violets ☺️) and let's get started!





They call me the "Energy Connector Extraordinaire". How come? Well...

Over the last 25 years, I've helped hundreds of people unlock and release old energetic and physical limitations, opening up new space to thrive. Within this new space, they've been able to embrace what shows up in their journeys while honing their innate ability to ask for and receive more. I am an active Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, Certified Equine Gestalt Coach, Animal Communicator, Intuitive, Psychic and Medium who specializes in spiritual modalities and health alternatives. 

To give you a little more insight and context, here's a snippet from an email my friend and client Patricia Barclay sent over the other day after we got together for a session over the phone. This note explains the Energy Connector Extraordinaire namesake beautifully. (Thank you again for this, Patricia. Honoured. 💗) Without further ado, here we go...

Trena Anderson has just rocked my world - in a most fabulous way…and I thought I knew so much already!! 

Thank you Trena for investing in my wellness by being so thoroughly present and in tune with the living energy that I am. Thank you for connecting and communing with my Beingness to impart what I needed.  You have helped me shift which were some key perspectives offering an improved point of view, resulting in a greater alignment with who I really am.  This alone has brought a peace I desire and an increased sense of freedom as I felt my fears collapse within and around me. 

I feel as if I have walked through another doorway into my Self and I am so grateful.  I believe I will experience some wonderful further results as I gain a much stronger foothold knowing I am a bar of clay, able to mold and maneuver myself in this life in such an effortless way, truly being a much more self-sufficient person.  

If you are willing to give up some old perspectives for a better point of view that can improve your life in this here and now. I know Trena can support you.   How much better can it get?  Stay tuned…. 

Thank you Trena with all my heart. 




horse communication



How Did I Get My Start? Well...


It all began with horses. As I worked with them, I observed how they communicated. Silently. Clearly. Effortlessly. Being around each horse was so nurturing and rewarding. It was because of their gentle communication that it struck me: the acknowledgement of their spirit. So beautiful. So freeing. So vital. 

While working with horses and kids, I also raised Cane Corso puppies. This grew into a contract with Sunrise Seniors Village, whereby I would go in on a weekly basis to connect the seniors with the puppies. The connections forged between the seniors and their puppies were powerful. If a patient was having a breakdown, staff would come get a puppy and I would invite interaction between puppy and patient. Without fail, the patient would go from hysterical to calm and quiet. 

That was it: I was ready to immerse myself in animal communication and energy work. So, I took a 2.5 year Equine Gestalt Coaching Course in Colorado and pursued Access Consciousness tools, discovering that partnering with horses isn't a requirement; rather, it's an additional connection for those who need it.

Today, I'm honoured and proud to say that Connecting in Spirit is a growing holistic health service that provides space for people around the world. 



We're here. This is what you've been waiting for.

How's that chai doing? Tasty? YES! 

Now that you've gotten to know me better, let's go deeper. Let's get into the nitty gritty.

What I'm about to say will confirm what you've been feeling for some time. This is exactly as it should be. Breathe what I am about to tell you in, pause, and allow your mind and body a moment to process. Keep breathing.

Ready? Oh yes you are!


If you were being the magic of you, what would you create? 

When we allow ourselves to be as we naturally are, we're able to ask receive unlimited frequencies and vibrations; unlimited possibilities that we can either choose to ride or choose to part with by asking for what else is possible. We are the maestros of our own realities. 

Take a moment to allow yourself to think about what you would create. Really go there. Have a few ideas in mind? Awesome. Now multiply those by 100. Now 1000. Now 1,000,000. The numbers go up because the possibilities and the choices surrounding them are infinite. 


I invite you to open up to your magic, Maestro! 

Unlocking and releasing old physical and energetic limitations is what I do every day for my clients so they can live their magic. Today I'm here to do the same for you!

Below you will find three offerings. Choose whichever offering works best. If you choose a package, I usually suggest a weekly consult for those desiring the most change in the fastest and easiest way possible as it keeps everything in motion, fluent and congruent. However, packages have no expiry date so the use of them is at your discretion. 


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$150 CAD

maestro magic trena anderson


$560 CAD

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$1080 CAD


Check-in time! Feeling excited and ready to roll? How about slightly confused because you're about to jump in to something that you know you need to do but you don't know exactly why you feel pulled to do it?


What you're experiencing is totally normal!